Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Good Vibes

I decided I really like my 'things that make me smile' blog, and I want to do it more often. I actually think about the little things that make me smile more. I take the time to appreciate it. Not only that, but YOU, my few blog readers (if there are any) don't have to read all the depressing things going through my head. So, here goes:

1. "Bring Me Down" and "Anything I'm Not" by Lenka (actually... her whole CD)
2. Getting to see Holly!!!

3. My wonderful Valentine's date with Randy and Amber

4. My siblings knowing they can call me for ANYTHING
5. Amber's silly faces while taking pictures

6. My hair cut...thank you Mama

7. Going to La Vigna on Valentine's Day with my parents, G-ma, Aunt, Uncle, and some cousins
8. The fact I am now in a physical state where I can wrestle again
9. My car has not broken lately
10. My best friend since I was three, Erin Hair, is getting married and I'm a bridesmaid!!!


Shane and Jessie Hayes said...

I love the new pics! miss your face, glad you seem to be doin better love!

mamabear said...

Glad you are thinking this had a BAD month and you could do just the opposite.
Love ya

Rebecca said...

i like your playlist! and your positive list...