Friday, June 10, 2011

A few spoilers

We have gotten a sneak peek of our engagements...
Scott was done by the time I found this purple done done.
However, he managed to take excellent pictures.
I was trying to squat behind him in 5 inch heels on a slope
A big slope
Hence, me laughing...I was falling over
This is one is my favorite so far
I'm pretty sure Scott has unhappy about sitting in weeds.
And I'm tickling him with grass...
Scott insisted on trying to pull a face twice...
BrieAnn managed to not avoid this one, despite her best efforts.
Scott was very proud of himself.

Summers times

Ever since flying kites at the Glenn's Scott has become a little obsessed with kites in general. He found some at Fresh Market for $2.50, so of course, we each have one now.
Karli with her kite...up in the left hand corner
Karli running to keep it up
Scott has been teaching Walker how to get it up and KEEP it up
They're out the distance
and a shot of Yuki...he's grown at least three times bigger than he was when we got him!


Finally finally! Baby Lyla joins us!
Aunt Kristine and Baby Lyla
Just two days old and deciding if she wants to open her eyes!
And her open eyes!

A little late...

John's kids Kaitlyn and Jake, then Karli and Tori holding Yuki
Walker, Karli's friend Ellie, and Karli celebrating Easter a little late...
Walker's stash
Karli's stash
The first day Walker saw Yuki. It was about a week after Easter...I'm just a little late posting the pictures!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I am turning 24 next week...
go me!

I'm a little weirded out
I feel older than this,
but somehow it's hard for me to grasp that I'm this age.
Tell me where time went?
Oh yeah, I got in a relationship
that's what made me lose track...

No fabulous plans for my birthday really.
I have been planning this awesome event for my dad in Vegas,
so I'll be working.
It will be the last day of the event,
but I'm still working.
This is not a huge surprise,
as I have worked pretty much every birthday since I was 15 and had a job,
but I would still like to do something fun.
Pretty sure we'll be able to.
Worst part of this trip:
it's our year to have Karli for her actual birthday
and we aren't even going to be in town.
But, we get to have the kids UNINTERRUPTED
for TWO WEEKS starting June 19th.
Oh yes, we are SO excited.
Even better: Cars 2 comes out during this period of time.
Yes, we actually get to take the kids to a movie they want to see!
This hardly ever happens as their mom has them most of the time
and she's very good at taking them to movies. (no complaints...really)
Walker is STOKED to see this movie
He's obsessed with Cars...

We are getting more and more excited about the wedding.
I can't believe it's less than three months away.
I don't really need to do with myself.
I NEED to find SHOES!
I think I want a lavender or lilac shoe...
I need some.
I feel like I have so much to do,
but I know I don't have anything else to really do but find shoes.
Yeah, annoying.
Talk about anxiety.
I'm going through the list in my head
and can't really come up with anything else I have to do for the wedding,
but I feel like I'm missing something.
I HATE feeling like I'm forgetting something.
It's lame!

What else?
Not a whole lot
I'm totally going to freak out any second.
For no reason whatsoever
It's probably just time crunching because of next weeks event
Yeah...I'll blame my problems on THAT this week...
Sounds good to me

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Walker day

While Dad (Scott) was at work and Karli was at school this last week Walker and I had a day to bond.

We got along great...
As always

We gardened
Well, I gardened
Walker found "creatures"
Worms, snails, and potatoe bugs...
That's what little boys are made of

We went for a walk/bike ride
It was a longer one than we usually go on, but fun nonetheless

And we went to TWO different parks

P.S. I think I burned more calories that one day than I usually do in a week.

Kite flyin' fun!

The kids LOVE going down to Grandma Karen and Grandpa Eric's house...
1. They always have somebody to play with
2. There is so much more to do
3. They get away with much more...such as picking watermelon out of the bowl
4. They get pretty much anything they want if they ask Grandma Karen
5. We get to fly kites because of the wonderful wind that tends to pick up by their house

Yes, they LOVE it!