Friday, February 13, 2009

. : things that make me smile : .

Ok, so I'm trying to be more positive. Definitely trying to be more positive. Not working so well sometimes. So here is a list of things that make me smile right now:

1. Pictures of Kathryne
2. Daniel jabbering...he's hilarious
3. My friend Logan's CD NOW ON iTUNES
4. Finding the bastard's who stole my money and possibly identity
5. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist Soundtrack
6. Mike coming to visit next weeked
7. Reggae music
8. Tanning (as unethical as it is for my profession, I love it)
9. Trio (it's a FABULOUS restaurant in Salt Lake)
10. My little sister being SO in love
11. The way Myspace does their music playlists
12. The Boondock Saints (definitely not recommend it for small children)
13. Planet Earth (some of the best memories I've ever had)
14. Lost
15. The corner of 6th and 7th

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