For those who don't take time to enjoy the mountain...snowboarding is euphoric. Seriously, probably the most peace I've ever felt is while I'm riding the mountain. It definitely makes me smile muchos grande!
That was little blurb on snowboarding. Well, Mike and I got to go out to Green Street to celebrate Mardi Gras/me being able to fit into my favorite pair of jeans for the first time. It was a blast. Mardi Gras parties are always full of crazy, fun people. My roommate and the dude she's seeing went with us and we met up with Hannah and Adam. It was a fantastic evening.
Oh, awesome news...I got a job at a laser center in Sandy. I'm enjoying it so much! I love all of the girls I work with and I'm learning so much. I get to zap people with lasers and poke them with needles all day. Causing people pain shouldn't make me smile as much as it does, but it's 100% self-inflicted, so I smile at my job ...:all day:...
I found a new song. It's by nevershoutnever. It's called "Happy" and I was so disappointed when they didn't have it on to add to my page! So, if you click on the link above you can totally listen to it on dude's myspace page. I actually really enjoy all of his music. SURPRISE! Yeah, not really that much of a surprise.
My friend Amber's husband, Randy, has been away for the last week and a half or so. We were both so happy to have him come back on Monday! We did get to have a girl's night while he was gone. We went to ABG's in Provo and shot some pool. Randomly we ran into a guy Randy used to work with. It was pretty cool.
My mind has been occupied lately with positive thoughts. At least I think they are. I've had the chance to go out on a few dates over the last few weeks. Definitely kind of weird to get back into the dating scene, but I'm enjoying myself. At least, I think I am. I definitely get all antsy and nervous on all the dates, which is totally weird. Never had that happen before. I've only felt comfortable enough with one of the guys to tell him about Kate. This date, Scott, has got me all smiles all of the time. As my friend Zach put it, "He seems nice enough to treat you right, but crazy enough to keep you interested". I laughed and said we'll see. So, if it does develop further I will definitely keep you updated.
My insomnia comes and goes. Last night, it was a raging beast. Really, it was kind of crazy. I had been up since six AM and worked a 14 hour day. I wasn't able to go to sleep until six AM this morning. Yeah, I'm crazy. So what did I do after work? I visited Randy and Amber, drove home, then drove to Lenny's. Oh yes, Lenny playing guitar at three in the morning makes me smile. Silly boy.
So, my list of smiles:
1. Going snowboarding w
2. My FAVORITE jeans finally fitting again
3. Mardi Gras p
4. My new job
5. "Happy" by nevershoutnever
6. How
7. Hanging out with Amb
8. My crazy dates with Scott

9. Lenny playing guitar for me at three in the morning

10. The fact that my sibs are always so excited to see me when I go to visit!
11. Randy coming home!
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