Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bragging Rights

Scott is constantly telling me to stop bragging about certain things...whatever. Some things you totally have earned the right to brag about.

Ah-em. Yes, I have an amazing fiancee who has connections. For rides snowboarding, which we are doing tonight. I'll brag about that. It's pretty freakin' awesome in my opinion.

Must I say I found out my credit score is AMAZING. Yeah, I'll brag about that too. It takes some HARD work to get your credit score up after making some shitty decisions as a young-er adult. Am I excited we could possibly buy a house in the next year? Pshhh...YES!

Not to mention all the INCREDIBLE deals I've found for the wedding. Uhh...yeah. My dress is incredible, custom fit, and was a steal. My photographer made my day with the price I got. BRING IT! I'm totally getting the best price I can on everything. I'm definitely going to brag about that.

Not only did Karli LOVE her ice skating lessons, both of the kids LOVED our vacation to (drumroll please) DISNEYLAND!!! Heck yes! It was pretty much amazing. The kids were amazing. We drove...12 hours. There wasn't one fight there or back, except between Scott and I (directions people, like it's that hard when I tell you 1.4 mile until you veer right). I'll brag about my amazing children...and our trip to the happiest place on earth. Pictures will come soon.

Oh, not to mention we got to see Kate and her family while there! Her two siblings are adorable. I have to say though, the night before I was explaining the situation to Karli, and she asked me why I placed Kate. Oh gee, I'm supposed to explain the most complicated thing EVER to my 7 year old. I just said, "Well, my friends couldn't have a baby and her daddy chose not to be around. I wanted her to have a mommy and a daddy, so I gave her to them." can I just say...shoot me now. The child is a tender soul. I get a wide-eyed look from those big blues and she says, "You're such a good mommy" and gives me the biggest hug ever. I just about died. Totally made me cry. I'll brag about that. Needless to say, it was an EXCELLENT visit. Kate is doing well and is adorable. She totally loved the dress we got her and wanted to put it on immediately.

Yes, I brag. Do I care? Not really. Why?
SoMe ThInGs ArE wOrTh BrAgGiNg AbOuT....

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