Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Week

Normally I try to stay positive with our blog. Last weekend Karli threw up ALL over the bathroom. We had lasagne for dinner...enough said. Sunday night Scott starting throwing up. He is the BIGGEST baby and needs more attention than any newborn I've seen when he's sick. It's kind of ridiculous. Well, Tuesday rolls around and I'm pretty sure I've escaped it. No such luck; I woke up Wednesday dying. Not really dying, but I felt like it. Does this mean I act like an infant? No! Of course not. Scott's still not feel up to par as of today. I feel ok, but kind of poopy.
Yesterday Scott went to start his car to run some errands and he comes in and says somebody had gotten into his car during the night, that everything was everywhere. When I ask if the got into mine he replies that he didn't check. Really? You have to walk by my car to get to and from yours. Really? I go check...CRAP...everywhere! Seriously? It's a little ridiculous. I haven't even been able to manage making such a HUGE mess in my own car. That's saying something. Just papers everywhere. They didn't take any of my CD's, but they took my i-pod. Yet they took all of Scott's CD's. Weird. They hit our neighbors too. I actually got a call from her saying she had found an envelope with Scott's name and a bunch of our pictures in it. They had actually taken pictures of us and the kids! CREEPY. Yet they didn't take our neighbors golf clubs, just sunglasses. I hate people like this. Seriously, if your going to break into my freakin' car at least clean the thing out. I guess it's our fault for not locking them, but come on people! They are both parked under an awning towards the back of the house. It's pretty freakin' ballsy. I wouldn't do it, but what can I say, I'm a wuss. Stupid kids....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The New Year

We have had some exciting things happening for us!
I thought I'd share:
  • Scott started school at the University of Utah this week. He's going part-time, getting his generals done. This is BIG deal and he's already on top of everything.
  • I have started writing a book. Yes, a book. I always wanted to be an author growing up, so I decided to start. It's a fictional fantasy kind of. I'm not sure, but it's been fun! Totally channeling my creative abilities has made me slightly obsessive about the whole thing.
  • My wedding dress got ordered. Enough said.
  • The wedding planning is getting about as obsessive as my writing.
  • Karli and Walker got a kitten at their mom's. They have been very excited about it.
  • We had our first family pictures taken last week! We get them next week, I'll post.

So, just a few short little things going on with us.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Christmas was chaotic, and wonderful.
Gammy celebrating
Lara and Kristine

Scott, his dad Alan, Jason, and Mike

Gammy with the little ones

Scott and I

The cousin present exchange...

Tori and Karli got matching sweathers!

Down at my parents on Christmas Eve!

Walker and Daniel playing well...

Karli and Annie: two peas in a pod

An IPad!!! AMAZING!!!

Mandi and baby Margaret (in da belly) doing what she


The 'rents and Alissa

Scott and Walker...Grandma Ward in the background

Scott got tools...woot woot!

Ok, so Santa came. It was amazing. Walker ran right up to him, looked him square in the eye and said, "My mom ran over my bike and I need a new one."

I literally had to drag them out of bed

Christmas brunch