Friday, August 27, 2010


Yeah, it's really been that long since I've posted. I haven't even put up any Easter pictures. We had a big Easter egg hunt with the kids cousins. Hosted by Scott's brother Mike and his fiancee, Lara. The kids got to color eggs, hunt for eggs, and eat way too much candy.

Here all the cousins: Tori, Walker, Grady, Taylor, and KarliKarli with her stash

Walker found some of the hardest eggs to find...very proud of himself

In all honesty, my camera kind of stopped working for a bit. I think that's a huge reason I haven't posted for such a long time. I got a new one for my birthday (in June) and I still have procrastinated. I am really trying to get better. I figure it's easier to keep on it than play catch up.

Scott's Grandma, who we live with, took a turn for the worst in April-ish and his family decided it would be best to move her to St. George. Scott's sister Emily moved to California with her kids in May, which has been really hard on all of us. We have missed both Gammy and the cousins very much. But there's some cool news in the summer portion of this post...